25 March 2021

It sets out the ambition to create a patient-centred, pro-innovation and data-enabled clinical research environment, which empowers everyone across the health service to participate in delivering research.

Making access and participation in research is a highlight. People in rural, diverse and under-served populations are a particular target.

The vision has five key themes which underpin the improvements that will be taken forward in the coming months and years:

  • Clinical research embedded in the NHS
  • Patient-centred research
  • Streamlined, efficient and innovative research
  • Research enabled by data and digital tools
  • A sustainable and supported research workforce

As a patient centric charity funding research into bowel disease, this vision resonates with Bowel Research UK’s own plans.

Patient involvement in research is very important to Bowel Research UK. We regularly include patients in our research through our People and Research Together (PaRT) network.

Lesley Booth, Director of Research and Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) at Bowel Research UK, and an ostomate herself, says:

“I’m passionate about education – one of the most powerful weapons for driving change. My role enables me to foster educational opportunities between researchers and the public.

Research is all about investigating and exploring new knowledge with a purpose, and it is the public that gives such research that purpose. Quality research into bowel disease and cancer cannot be delivered without the involvement of patients and the public.

My role is to ensure that our PPI objectives underpin all the work we do. Patients and the public always offer unique and invaluable insights so that bowel research is enriched by involving those it aims to help.”

If you would like to find out more about participating in the medical research projects we are funding, contact lesley@bowelresearchuk.org


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