The many Trusts & Foundations who support our work are a cornerstone of our success.
Together we have discovered new ways of doing things, changed clinical practice, enabled the growth of major clinical trials and above all, improved care for people with all forms of bowel disease.
Our supporters know we can count on the expertise of the leading medical professionals in our field combined with the unique experiences and knowledge of a patient community hundreds of thousands strong. This means we prioritise research that addresses issues of urgent and/or unmet need – enabling your donations to have the greatest possible impact.
Many of our studies have led directly to improvements in standard NHS practice, while others have blossomed into multi-million pound trials of global significance.

Why Choose Bowel Research UK?
- Our expert team can work with you to identify projects that most fit your Trust’s giving priorities – be they geographical, disease-specific, demographic etc
- You can expect high quality applications that clearly outline the impact & outcomes your donation will help to achieve
- You will have the opportunity to go behind the scenes & visit our research labs & centres of excellence – including the Royal College of Surgeons & Hunterian Museum, National Bowel Research Centre & leading research hospitals across the UK
- Invitations to special events & receptions, where you can meet fellow donors & chat with world-leading researchers
- We can provide tailored reports, outlining the progress & change your donation has helped to bring about