
Hello, my name is Claire Prenty Clear!nnI'm originally from Co.Mayo in the west of Ireland, but have been living in London for over 5 years now. I am so excited to be running in the 2024 TCS London Marathon on April 21st.nnI will be running for Bowel Research UK, a charity that funds life-changing research into bowel cancer and other bowel diseases. Sadly, every year over 16,000 people die from bowel cancer in the UK. Bowel Research UK is the UK's leading specialist bowel cancer and bowel disease research charity and their research is saving and improving lives.nnI will be running in honour of my Grandad ,Tim Conheeney, who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2001, and after a short battle, he passed away that same year.nGrandad was only 68-years-old when he passed away. He was a kind, hard-working, family man, who originally came from Co.Galway in Ireland, but spent the majority of his life in Manchester. He was a tee-totaler, who loved hurling and was adored by his family and friends. Though Grandad passed away when I was just 8 years old, I still have many fond memories of him. He was a great person, and I am so proud to do the Marathon in his memory.nn My aim in running in the London Marathon is to raise as much awareness and money as possible for Bowel Research UK, and to help prevent other families losing loved ones to this terrible disease.nnI hope to raise £2,500, but need your help to get me there! nI would be so thankful if you could sponsor me, any donation big or small really means a lot!nnThanks so much,nnClaire x

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Name: London Marathon 2024

Date: 21st April 2024

Fundraising target: £2500

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currently achieved of £2500 target