In the second of this two-part series on the spread of bowel cancer to the peritoneum, Sam is joined by Becky Maskill and Rebecca (Bex) Halstead. Becky has experience of...
Sam rewinds to last year’s Big Bowel Event, resharing a session called PaRT Life. In this session, three members of the PaRT network discussed their patient experiences and their experiences...
Sam rounds up the last 24 episodes of Can I Butt In? We take a look back at each episode, our guests, the topics, and insightful conversations with bowel cancer...
“In the past doctors have missed a vital diagnosis or even misdiagnosed due to darker skin tones, the signs were less exposed.” – From the poem “Invisible” by Duke Al...
The PPI code of conduct outlines the principles and standards that researchers should adhere to when engaging in Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) activities with Bowel Research UK. It has...
The National Bowel Cancer Audit is an annual report that looks at the ‘state of the nation’ when it comes to bowel cancer treatment and care. It aims to improve...