
As many of you may know mum had Bowel Cancer in 2021. I wasn’t going to run the London Marathon this year BUT when BOWEL RESEARCH UK asked me to run on their behalf as they had some drop outs and at this late stage finding it difficult to cover the place it took me less then a second to consider and say yes.nFor me to run for a charity I feel that I have to have a connection and this does not get more personal for me.nOn the 26th May 2021 I took mum to Pizza Express on coming back she wait to the toilet and passed blood (thank God I was there), her GP was closed and the hospitals were going into lockdown, I was not allowed in the hospital, we waited around 7 hours, she was told she most probably had diverticulitis (which I have) but further tests and a colonoscopy showed that it was in fact stage 3 BOWEL CANCER. Mum had an operation on the 12th July and is one of the lucky ones and is NOW CANCER FREE. I will never forget the 11-minute conversation when the consultant told her she was CANCER FREE, mum being mum even asked when she could start cycling again.nBowel Cancer is the 2nd biggest cancer killer with 16,000 annual deaths in the UK. BOWEL RESARCH UK is doing vital research into early bowel cancer diagnosis to save thousands of lives by supporting Bowel Cancer Research UK you will be support their efforts and saving lives.nBOWEL CANCER is a KILLER but with early diagnosis it doesn’t have to be, the aim of BOWEL RESEARCH UK is to bring these figures down BUT we also all need to take responsibility for our bodies and look out for signs, there are many maybe like mum passing blood, and not to ignore them, Mum acted promptly which meant the DRs could act and stop the Cancer going to stage 4.nAs I say for me it was a no brainer supporting Bowel Research by running for them in the London Marathon. I WOULD REALLY APPRECAITE IF YOU COULD HELP ME TO SUPPORT THEM BY SPONSORING ME, IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME.nThe Marathon is on the 27th April it really, I believe it is the best in the world and is one of the best days of the London calendar, come and see me having banter an abuse in my WEST HAM shirt especially thru Millwall Bermondsey territory, and the first drink is on me afterwards.nTHANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS AND IF YOU CAN FOR HELPING ME TO HELP BOWEL CANCERnMuch love nPeternmum after her operationn

More information about this event

Name: London Marathon 2025

Date: 27th April 2025

Fundraising target: £1000

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currently achieved of £1000 target